Business registration

Businesses are required to register for a tax identification number through the National Business Center. We can provide assistance in the registration process with the National Business Center.

If you are interested in registering a business, we can help you with drafting the legal documentation for the incorporation of entities and other relevant documentations and also provide assistance in registering your natural person activity.




Beneficial ownership registration:

We can assist your business for the application of the initial registration and/or for updating or changing the data for the beneficial owners as required by the law no. 112/2020 "For the Register of Beneficial Owners”.

In Albania, beneficial ownership registration is mandatory for all companies registered in the country, and is regulated by the Law on the Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing (Law No. 9917/2008).

Under this law, companies are required to identify and record information about their beneficial owners, including their names, addresses, national identification numbers, and the nature and extent of their ownership or control over the company. Companies are also required to update this information on an ongoing basis, and to make it available to relevant authorities upon request.

Copyright registration

The registration of a copyright to receive protection, can help the author in enforcing and defending the copyright in case of infringement. We can assist you in following the procedures to register a copyright.


Incorporate sustainable practices into your hotel operations to reduce your environmental impact and save costs.

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